What do we do?

I seem to be good at finding wormholes. I guess that’s just part of being a small business. While a large corporation can send things down the hall (or across the globe) to the compliance department, us little guys just change our hat. We have been developing software for decades. We love to provide business solutions. That’s truly What we do. The software we’ve been developing is primarily bespoke type stuff. We update a form or screen. We might add some complex pricing logic. We might create a Windows Service that does x, y and z, but it’s typically for just one customer. Those annoying security nags are just that, annoying…yet we put up with them. Well, we’ll putting an end to that. It’s time to start code signing. I’ve done code signing in the past, but not with a CA provided credential. Anyway, fast forward through the purchase of a FIPS token and I’m ready to layout the dollars to get the cert. We need to have a DUNS. That’s a new one for us. We don’t carry inventory and haven’t had to carry a note with the bank. We are actually signing up with Kompass, which is another business directory that appears to be quite solid. That’s where some of the wormhole comes in. We have to describe our business. Fair enough. We make software, but more specifically, we provide business solutions. Then they wanted a picture of our service. I literally took a pic of some code. We’ll see if that is satisfactory.

We REALLY like delivering business solutions. We have been going down the path toward delivering at scale. This requires a different line of thinking. We are excited.